Green Haven - Vegan Bed & Breakfast Hamburg
Mühlenstieg 3, 22041 Hamburg
100 % vegane und nachhaltig eingerichtete Unterkunft
Frühstücksbuffet mit abwechslungsreicher veganer Auswahl
Regionale, biologische und fair gehandelte Produkte
* All information about the vegan options at this hotel is provided without guarantee!
Hotel Description
The B&B is closed. Here is a list of vegan hotels in Hamburg.
The Green Haven – Vegan Bed & Breakfast Hamburg is located in the Wandsbek district and places great emphasis on sustainability. Many of the furnishings come from second-hand stores, there is an in-house solar system, and the bed linen and towels are GOTS-certified.
Those who book one of the three rooms or the construction trailer share the sanitary facilities with the other guests of the accommodation. Those who value a private bathroom should opt for the holiday apartment.
The 50 square meter communal room includes a living/dining area and a kitchen. Cooking courses and swap parties are held here at regular intervals.
The airport can be reached by S-Bahn in 15 minutes. The journey to the main train station and to the city center takes only eight minutes.